Thursday, 6 April 2017

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

کسی بھی خاتون کا گائنی یا کسی بھی قسم کی سرجری کرواتے وقت ڈاکٹر رضوان اسد خان کا ایک صائب مشورہ... اگرچہ الفاظ کچھ سخت ہیں، اس کے لیے      معذرت                                                    

اگر آپ کسی خاتون کا کسی پرائیویٹ ہسپتال میں گائینی یا سرجری کا کوئی بھی  پروسیجر کروا رہے ہیں تو جس وقت آپ سے "اجازت نامے" کے فارم پر دستخط لئیے جائیں، اسوقت آپ بھی اپنی کنسلٹنٹ سے لکھوا کر اسکے دستخط لیں کہ وہ اس بات کا خصوصی اہتمام کرے گی کہ آپ کی مریضہ کو کوئی بھی مرد برہنہ حالت میں نہ دیکھ پائے.

اور جب تک کوئی حقیقی میڈیکل مجبوری نہ ہو، مکمل بے ہوشی میں آپریشن نہ کروائیں؛ تاکہ مریضہ کو پتہ ہو کہ تھیٹر میں اسکے ارد گرد کیا ہو رہا ہے. بلکہ ہو سکے تو بے ہوشی والے ڈاکٹر سے بھی لکھوائیں کہ یہ آپریشن جنرل اینستھیزیا کے بغیر ممکن نہیں.

یہ آپکا حق ہے. اگر آپ انکی منہ مانگی فیس ادا کر رہے ہیں تو اس حق پر اصرار کریں ورنہ کنسلٹنٹ تبدیل کر لیں.

ہو سکتا ہے آپ بڑے لبرل ہوں اور اس "بے غیرتی" سے آپکو کوئی فرق نہ پڑتا ہو. لیکن پھر بھی سوال یہ ہے کہ ان "دو ٹکے کے" سویپرز، تھیٹر اٹینڈنٹس اور وارڈ بوائز کو سب کچھ دکھانا کہاں کی عقلمندی ہے، جنکو سارا کام تھیٹر میں اسوقت یاد آتا ہے جب مریضہ کا گاؤن اتارا جا رہا ہوتا ہے؟ اور کچھ کمینے، حرامخور تو باہر جا کر دوسرے ساتھیوں کے سامنے بھی تعریفیں کرتے ہیں اور دعوتِ نظارہ دیتے ہیں. اور کچھ خنزیروں(بمعہ 50 اضافی گالیاں) نے ایسی حالت میں تھیٹر ٹیبل پر لیٹی مریضہ کے ساتھ سیلفیز بنا کر نیٹ پر اپلوڈ کر رکھی ہیں....!!!
اور اپنے کولیگ سرجنز اور گائناکالوجسٹس سے درخواست ہے کہ خدارا تھیٹر میں اس بات کا خیال رکھا کریں. جس خاتون کا منہ تک کسی نامحرم نے نہیں دیکھا ہوتا، اسے آپ شیطان صفت درندوں کے سامنے ننگا کر کے لٹا دیتے ہیں. واللہ اسکا بھی روز قیامت حساب ہو گا. اللہ سے ڈریں___

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Eradication of Domestic Voilence, it is a curse....

           Violence in layman’s terms is any physical activity that is intended to cause harm, injury, destruction, or death. However, the word “violence” is a very vague term and cannot be exactly defined, as there are many aspects and scenarios where the definition of violence for one has another meaning for others.

What Is The Root Cause?

Domestic violence is a very general and primitive issue and has only one meaning – terror. It was around centuries ago and is still present now. People are more educated today and understand better what is right and what is wrong, but still, the amount of domestic violence has not decreased. Some blamed it on hitting too much from glass pipes or as an effect of legal steroids. In a way, it is something that nearly everyone has encountered in his or her life. It is not limited only to beating and fighting, but also includes sexual and mental harassment and torture that one suffers from a family member or partner.
With the growing “inhumanity traits” of people today, the cases and reports of domestic violence,  has actually increased more now than during the time when people were less educated or advanced. We hear news on an almost daily basis about children being raped by their own kin or father, wives being beaten to death, and the like, which is a shame and curse on society.

Where Does it Start?

Domestic violence in a family mostly starts with a partner feeling a need to control the other. The spark is generally ignited when abusers feel inferior to the other partner. This domination can turn into emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, ultimately resulting in domestic violence.

How is it Done?

“Violence can either be done physically, emotionally and even sexually. These three are the most common types of violence that you can see in television news and even at times on the streets around us. To give you a clearer thought about these things, here are some examples of individual and common types of violence.


If one person uses such a degree of brute force that ends up injuring the other person, or putting someone at risk of being injured, that is considered as physical violence. This includes:
  • battering (which is now considered a crime)
  • pushing
  • beating/hitting with any toolbox items or heavy items
  • burning
  • assaulting with a knife or any deadly weapon
  • restraining
  • pinching/biting
  • murder


When talking about ruthless acts and deeds, the famous quotation that says that talk is cheap suddenly turns untrue. You always have to take into consideration the feelings of others. If you utterly dislike being judged and criticized in the public, surely other individuals do not like to experience the same thing. As the golden saying goes: “do unto others what you would have done to you”.


The sexual aspect of an individual is the most commonly abused. Sexual abuse cases are also one of the most common themes of crime related news nowadays. It is not really surprising for society to have this kind of problem because prostitution laws are already losing their teeth in catching prostitution syndicates that often force women into human trafficking.

What Are The Effects?

The effects are really terrifying. Victims, like small children, are so heavily influenced as they grow up that they, in their later stage of life, often turn out to be abusers, hence resulting in more incidences in newer generations. It is estimated that 80% of drug addicts and criminals had moderate-to-severe level violence in their family when they were kids. Of course, such violence creates a negative influence on small children and negatively influences them as they grow. These shameful acts of terror at home are actually reshaping the beautiful society that we once knew to a more dreadful one.
In both developed and developing countries, about 55% of divorce cases are filed with the legal ground of domestic violence, whereas in the underdeveloped countries, there are increasing incidences of mental illness, suicide, or self-injury as a consequence. In many male dominating societies, the female and children within the house are the more likely victims of domestic violence. However, in developing countries, both male and females are equally victimized by these types of violence. Although proper emphasis has not been given to date for this issue, government to formulate an effective law and order so as to help create a society free of any domestic violence.


Violence can already be considered as a very acute societal disease that can affect almost every person living in a community. While the treatments and remedies are there and available, such as anger management or personality development sessions, one must be willing to take it. Otherwise, we will stay the same as we are.


Every teacher knows that a safe, clean, comfortable and attractive classroom can stimulate learning and help build a classroom community. But for many teachers, setting up the physical environment of their classrooms can be quite daunting, especially when faced with older buildings, crowded classrooms and insufficient storage space. You can make the most of your classroom environment by carefully considering your needs and the needs of your students. 

Survey Your Classroom: Looking at the Basics 

The first things to consider when organizing your classroom are cleanliness, light and temperature. Although you may not have complete control over some of these elements, try to make or suggest improvements as necessary. 

The Floor Plan: Assessing Your Needs Once you have checked the basic elements in your classroom, think about your floor plan. It should maximize classroom space and reflect your individual teaching style. 

Your floor plan will also depend on the grade you are teaching. For the lower grades, your classroom setup may include many different learning areas, such as a reading area, an art center and a technology center. The placement of these areas will depend upon the layout of your classroom. However, when setting up these areas, you will want to keep the following points in mind:

  • Room dividers should be low so that all areas are visible to you. 
  • Areas that invite group work should not be next to quiet areas where students read or study independently. 
  • Art or other messy areas are best located near a sink.
  • You should always be able to make eye contact with all students.
Many of these guidelines hold true for the middle and upper grades, too. However, older students often spend more time seated in one area. Take your teaching style and lesson plans into consideration as you consider the different types of seating arrangements you might employ.

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